Mated To The Lycan King ( Free Read Online) - Dreame (2024)

Mated To The Lycan King ( Free Read Online) - Dreame (1)

It was a beautiful day and I know many of our pack members have shifted and have ran off through our territory together.

I sat on a bench overlooking the pond that was near to my parents home. I found myself daydreaming here a lot when I had free time.

My seventeenth birthday was tomorrow and it should be a joyous day seeing how it should be the day my wolf finds her mate. Unfortunately for me, I was born wolfless. Without a wolf I would not be able to feel the wolf bond.

I have heard stories about the wolf bond and pairing together fated mates.

The bond pull is unlike anything else. The person is honestly your better half, the peanut butter to your jelly, the glue that can hold all of your broken pieces together.

I sighed and looked out at the large body of water. I wish I could speak with my mother. My mother was killed protecting me when a small group of Rouge Wolves invaded our territory. I couldn’t shift and she died protecting me. Alpha Michael and the other warriors were too late. From that moment on I was treated differently from everyone in my pack.

I lost all of my friends, except for Claire. She’s been my rock through it all. My older brother, who left for training with our neighboring packs for being the future Beta, hasn’t spoken to me since the incident.

It’s lonely and generally the only time I find peace is when it’s a beautiful day and everyone goes on pack runs.

I hear some rustling behind me and turn to see Ryder, my brother Josh, Ryders girlfriend, and a few other people from school approaching me. When I go to stand to walk away one of the guys grabs me laughs.

“Where do you think you’re going, you pathetic waste of space?” Ryder laughs and nods towards the pond.

I get picked up by Alex, one of the strongest guys in our age group and get tossed into the water. I sunk and kicked my way to the top surfacing and gasping for air. I hear laughter at the waters edge. I look at my brother who only shakes his head at me. Nothing from him, no help or even an attempt to stop them. He just stood there looking at me pathetically.

He never joined in on the picking just stood by to let it happen to me. Which is just as bad I guess. He could easily stop it, but I understand our mother died because of me.

I swam to the muddy edge to get out and slipped, falling right on my back. I heard cackling and laughter. I just laid there feeling defeated, as my eyes began tearing up. I blinked a few times to push them back when Ryder and Alex stood over me. They were about to pour something on me when I heard Claire “Leave her alone! Do you not have anything better to freaking do?” She placed herself between us. Ryder and Alex backed off.

“Easy Claire, we were just having fun with the wolfless loser.” Alex laughed. “Besides why are you telling the future Alpha what to do?”

She glared at him “If he was any kind of Alpha he would know better” her eyes narrowed and she growled.

I noticed that my brother had already walked away from the group. Claire leaned down and helped me up. I was fighting crying, I never let myself cry in front of them. I didn’t want to seem weaker than what I already was.

“Cmon Avalynn, let’s go back to your house and try to get you cleaned up?” She softly spoke. I nodded and stood up.

We walked back to my house together in silence. Once we were there Claire froze outside the house.

I looked at her and frowned, “Aren’t you going to come in?”

She looked at me and nodded “Do you smell that wonderful smell?”

“All I smell is pond water and muddy earth.” I sighed and opened the door.

“Mate.” I heard her say under her breath.

I was nearly knocked over by my brother to get outside to Claire. “Mate.” He responded.

Well this is awesome, I said to myself and shut the door to go shower and clean up. I ran the water hot and took my time scrubbing all the funk off. I washed my hair four times to make sure the mud was all washed out. I stood under the water and thought about Claire and my brother Josh. I could lose the only friend I have left or I could regain my brother back to speaking terms.

I was over thinking about it and turned off the shower and dried off. I brushed my hair and dried it, pulling it up into a messy bun. I walked downstairs and saw Claire growling and Josh. “You may be my mate but you should be ashamed of how you have treated your sister. Get your shoot together!”

Claire turned to me, grabed my hand and we left. She was practically dragging me and she was furious. “Wha- what happened? Claire? Did you reject Josh?”

She stopped and turned to me and shook her head “No, I didn’t reject him. I should for how he’s treated you this past year!”

Then we heard him “Claire, please wait! Can we at least talk it out? Please hear me out!” She sighed and I looked at her, “Claire, go talk to him. Remember we don’t always get a second chance mate, it’s so rare! It’s usually only high ranking Alphas and Royals. I will be fine, I’m going back inside the house.” I smiled and walked past my brother. He nodded at me and I could tell it was a sign of thanks. I walked back to my home and went to my room.

Claire POV

I stood with my arms crossed in front of my mate. He smelled wonderful, it was almost distracting me from being pissed with him. The scent of sandalwood filled my nostrils. It was so hard to being angry with him, but I was. Especially since he left Avalynn by herself, no calls or check ins to be tormented and bullied by his friends.

He sighed and I could tell he was nervous as he was fidgeting with the change in his pocket.

“Why?” I asked him.

“I don’t know. I blame her for losing the only parent we had left.” He looked down at his feet ashamed.

“She died protecting her daughter who, let me remind you, is the most vulnerable person in our pack! She doesn’t have a wolf! She needs protecting!” I shouted at him. It made him flinch backwards.

He nodded “I know but why though? What’s wrong with her? What has she done to make the Goddess so mad that she didn’t bless her with her own wolf?” He argued back.

“She hasn’t done anything! She would still help you or anyone if she was able to do so. That is including Ryder and that bone head Alex.” I couldn’t believe my mate.

He sat down on a log and looked up at me and nodded his head “I know she would. She is better than anyone out here, by a long shot. I just, it’s just, everything. I see her. It’s It’s image that just won’t leave and it makes me angry.” His fists gripped and I could fell anger rolling off him.

“Look, Avalynn would have fought if she could. I remember her telling me details and the Alpha details of they were here for her. Do you know why someone was trying to kidnap her Josh?”

He shook his head at me “No, I didn’t even know that. I guess I never asked though.”

I rolled my eyes “Exactly you never did. She was targeted to be kidnapped. No one knows why, even she doesn’t know why.”

I sat down next to him and placed my hand on him. I felt the sparks of the mate bond “You are going to have to work on forgiving her. It is not her fault. She is my best friend, your sister. You are going to have to make peace with it.”

He nodded and placed his hand on mine “Give me some time, I will. It might take a few months but I will try my best.” He gave a small smile.

I leaned in and felt the sparks of the mate bond flow through me. At least they have a shot at being family again.

Seventh Birthday

It was the day of my birthday. I wasn’t really looking forward to it like everyone else in my pack. Generally everyone can start finding their mates at seventeen. I didn’t have much hope. My wolf never showed up when she was supposed to. Claire and my brother are mates and have planned on marking one another.

I was genuinely happy for them both, even if my relationship to my brother was strained. I wish I knew a way to rebuild it. That way we could all hangout together without all the awkwardness. If I could have one birthday wish it would be for my family to be back together.

I went for a walk through the woods. It was nice out and the sun felt nice and warm against my skin. That’s when I smelled it, the most wonderful smell I have ever smelled in my entire life. Pine filled my nostrils and I made my way to where the scent was coming from. I few hundred feet later I saw him.

No freaking way.. Why Moon Goddess, why?! My tormentor? The future Alpha of our pack Crest Moon, Ryder? I watched him as he was training. I watched his muscles flexing and sweat dripping down his body. I bit my mouth and slowly kept walking towards him.

He was training in an open field around him and he suddenly froze in place. I froze in my spot, my heart beating crazy in my chest. I could tell he sniffed the air and turned to me. “Mate?” He said but it was more confusing as if he couldn’t understand or believe it. He walked over to me and stood over me, I could see him fighting internally with his wolf.

“What a joke. You are my chosen mate? No thanks!” He shoved me back and I saw his eyes flash black. It was his wolf fighting for control over him. He closed his eyes and when he opened them they were back to their normal shade of brown.

“You have got to be kidding me, right? A wolfless weakling as my mate? I felt myself shrinking away from him.

I don’t know what I expected from this? It’s not like he would suddenly change his ways and love me. Tears formed and rimmed my eyes and he continued to speak.

“You will never be Luna of this pack. We need someone who can shift and be strong and help protect the pack! You couldn’t even protect your own mother! How could anyone expect you to help protect the pack!? You are worthless! I, future Alpha of Crest Moon, Ryder Cunningham reject you Avalynn Jennings as my Mate and my future Luna of Crest Moon.”

I felt my heart break and shatter into a million pieces. Tears broke free and streamed down my face. He grabed me up and pulled me to his level. His hands were gripping into my arms.

“Accept the rejection Avalynn! Now!” He shook me and I felt a powerful force over me making me comply.

“I, Avalynn Jennings of Crest Moon Pack accept your rejection as your mate and future Luna.” I cried out. I was heartbroken.

He dropped me on the ground and I crumbled at his feet. “You will never speak of this again to anyone. This never happened! Do you understand?”

I nodded my head “Yes, I understand.” He let me go and I laid there hurt crying to myself.

“If you tell anyone, I will dispose of your worthless self. You’re lucky my father is so gracious to let you stay here. I will ban you from the pack as soon as I become Alpha.” He dusted himself off and walked away.

How was I able to feel the pull of the mate bond without a wolf? I don’t understand how the Moon Goddess can be so loving to everyone else but me. What did I do to deserve such hatred from everyone? “Why?!”I cried out.

I laid in the field as the sun shone above, regardless of the warming promises of tomorrow my heart was shattering. I was officially broken inside. I laid and cried, really and truly cried for the first time since my mother’s death. I laid there with out a care of who could hear or see how pathetic I truly was. It was getting dark and I finally decided to make my way back home.

When I crossed over the walking bridge across the river I stood there and looked down the river bend towards the waterfall.

I shook my head and got the nasty thought out of my head and walked back to my home. When I opened the door Claire practically knocked me down in a hvg. I wrapped around her and returned the hvg. I looked across and my brother sat there playing his video game.

“Where were you all day? We had plans to go shopping and get our hair done. Oh.. Ava, have you been crying?” She held me out at arms length to look at me.

“Its nothing I just fell, maybe sprained my wrist but I’m fine now.” I halfway smiled as she let me go. “I’m sorry I missed today, I’m not really a glitzy and shopping person anyway.”

“Its fine your brother has taken it upon himself to cook all of us steaks, with baked potatoes, broccoli, and house salads!” She beamed as she looked over at him. “Oh and I made you a cake too!” She dragged me into the kitchen and showed me the cake.

I really didn’t deserve someone like her as a friend. I don’t know what I would do or where I would be without her. She’s been here with me through it all and I am so very thankful to the Moon Goddess for her, even if she gave me the short end of the stick with everything else.

I sat down on the stool at the island and chatted with Claire. She talked about Josh and how he’s doing much better. I haven’t sat down and actually had dinner with him for over a year. Let alone him actually cooking dinner.

Josh entered the kitchen and kissed Claire on the cheek before moving over to the steaks that were resting on the counter. We watched him prep them with salt and fresh cracked pepper. He dipped the potatoes in butter and rolled them in salt before he wrapped them up in aluminum foil. He had already prepped the broccoli and had it in the steam pot.

He placed the potatoes in the oven and set the timer to forty-five minutes. He opened up the fridge and took a soda. He handed Claire a diet soda and handed me a regular soda.

“Thank you.” I popped the top looking at him.

He turned to look back at me and gave me a firm and tight smile with a slight nod. “You’re welcome.” He said quietly and walked outside.

I imagine he was getting the grill ready to go. I slowly sipped the soda and admired my cake. “What flavor is it?” I motioned to the cake.

“Oh its a chocolate cake with buttercream frosting.” She smiled at me.

“Well it’s beautiful and looks absolutely tasty.” I smiled at her.

“It didn’t take me long to do. I did the frosting while the cakes cooled down. Once they were cool I put the layer of icing on, called a crumb coat. Then I tossed it in your big freezer before putting the second layer on and making those designs.” She was so proud of her cake.

I was very proud for her, she has a hidden talent and she should be proud of herself. “You should be very proud of yourself for this. Did you take a photo of your beautiful creation?”

“I did and I will post it later.” She smiled.

Josh came in and started the broccoli, picked up the steaks, and walked outside to cook them. He timed everything perfectly as it was all done at the same time.

I took a bite out of my steak and it melted in my mouth. It was the best thing I have ate in a long while. “Josh, this is delicious. Thank you.” I smiled over to him.

He looked at me and actually smiled back at me. “You’re welcome Ava. I.. I am sorry for how I’ve been absent recently. I’m just having a hard time. First dad then mom and I guess you were an easy target. I figured the Moon Goddess was punishing you? I don’t know.” He sighed and dropped his eye contact from me.

Tears formed in my eyes and I smiled at him. Claire was chowing down and with a mouth full of food as she smiled the best she could. I knew that this was her doing, giving my brother the push he needed.

I watched as Claire leaned against Josh and finished chewing her food. “Thanks for cooking babe, it’s delicious.”

The rest of dinner was ate in silence. Not an awkward silence but for once in a long time, a comfortable one.

As I ate I felt a longing ache in my heart. The dinner with Claire and my brother was a happy distraction but that’s all it would be. I watched them both, so in love with one another. I sighed quietly as I pushed the remainder of my food on my plate around. I felt tears forming in my eyes and I quickly blinked and pushed them back. I didn’t want them to notice anything was wrong.

I walked into my room and fell onto my bed. With dinner aside, today was the worst possible day. I found my mate and he rejected me. He didn’t even blink when he did it. I don’t know how but I felt the mate pull. It wasn’t strong but it definitely caught my attention. I knew enough of the mate bond to know that, that’s what it was. When he said mate, I knew.

I rolled over in the bed on my stomach and cried silently. Tears ran down my face and onto my pillow making it wet. My eyes eventually became heavy and I fell into a restless sleep.

My sleep was plagued with dreams of him. Rejecting me as his mate and Luna. Telling me that I’m not worth the air I breathe. The last image was him, his friends, and the girl he chose over me laughing as they pushed me over the edge of the cliff by the waterfall on our pack lands.

I shot up in bed and looked over at my alarm clock. My body was hot and damp with sweat. The time read 5:09 a.m. I laid there for a few more minutes before deciding to finally get up. I got in the shower and got ready for the first day of my senior year.

I dreaded this year more than anything. I had to face them all. I know he didn’t tell anyone. He was so embarrassed that the Moon Goddess matched us I knew deep down he didn’t say a word. Especially since he threatened me to not say anything.

I got my clothes on and I threw my hair up in a messy bun, and fixed some coffee. I sat on the couch, scrolling through my phone. I logged into my high school account and checked my class schedule out. It was going to be an easy year, class wise that is.

By the end of the day I had manage to avoid Ryder and his group of friends. I put my ear buds in as I walked back home. I hummed along to the song as I walked along the sidewalk.

When I made it home I pulled out my books and began to study. I wanted to try to get ahead of whatever I needed to this year. Once I got done I made dinner and got ready for bed. First day was successful and lucky for me none of them were in my classes. So I may just be able to avoid them all year after all.

18th Birthday

I managed to get through the entire school year. The mate bond still pulled at my heart and I hated to see Ryder and Jamie together at school. At first I wanted to rip her apart at the beginning but now I felt nothing. Over the summer I focused on myself and now I feel nothing for either of them. Jamie likes to make my life hll and picked on me throughout the school year, but so did everyone else.

My brother and I have completely patched things up. I haven’t told him yet but tomorrow when I turn 18 I will be leaving the pack and will be Rouge. I know it will be dangerous considering I don’t shift but maybe I can make it to a human city and live amongst them. Especially since I’m closer to human than I am my wolf side. It could honestly work out and I could live a simple life. Maybe fall in love and have a family one day.

I had already packed most of the important things like clothes, food, and blankets. I now needed to get a backpack together that contained a sleeping bag, a make shift lean to or a tent, and other camping supplies to get me through until I could find a home for myself.

I looked out my window and it was a clear night. The Moon was full and high and shone brightly. I decided to take a break and go out for a walk. Even if I didn’t have my wolf, I noticed I could see pretty well, better than usual. I didn’t think to much of it and continued on my walk. I made it to the water and looked around. I could hear the wolves howling and running through the woods. I wish I knew what it was like to run free with your wolf.

I sat at my bench and looked about. So much has changed in the last year. My mate rejected me, told me to not tell anyone to leaving the pack tomorrow. I would be rid of Ryder and Jamie forever. I would never have to look at them and be given a reminder of what could have been.

I heard snapping behind me and turned to look. My heart sank when I smelled his scent. It wasn’t as captivating as the first day but it still attracted me to him. It was like a small voice was calling me to him. I tried to turn away and walk far from him but my body wouldn’t cooperate.

I sat there frozen, partially fear and another part curious. What was he doing here? His wolfs eyes were red. He was tall and large like many other Alphas. His wolf walked over to me and just stood there looking at me. A low and rumbling growl was coming out of him. I backed away at that and turned around and walked back towards my house.

I kept walking, a bit faster now. I heard footsteps behind me and I started to run. I thought to myself ‘Not tonight. Please not tonight.’

His hand was on me and he turned me around to face him. There was going to be a nice bruise where his hand was. I looked up at him then. His eyes were glaring at me.

“Why can I still smell you? It’s so strong that my wolf took over to find you! What have you done? I rejected you and you accepted it! My wolf doesn’t understand why but you were rejected!” He screamed at me.

I stood there silent for a moment and pulled away from his grasp before speaking “I, well, I am not sure.”

He began pacing back and forth in front of me. I wanted to make a run for it but he would catch me pretty quick.

“It has to be because you’re wolfless and pathetic. My wolf must pity you and your wolfless self must have screwed up the rejection!” He glared at me and stepped up. “You really do not deserve to be here. You don’t deserve this pack, you dont deserve your brother. Hll, after your mother died protecting you I’m surprised you’re still alive. You would be better off dead. You’re worthless and a piece of trash.”

My mouth wobbled and I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer. I began crying right there, right in front of him.

He reached out to me and gripped a fistful of my shirt in his hands, pulling me to him “Go, leave, I never want to see your face here again. You bring the entire pack down and endanger anyone around you because you can’t take care of yourself!

“I don’t ever want to see or hear from you again.” began walking away from me. He turned once he was about twenty yards out and said “If you’re at my Alpha ceremony I will banish you in front of everyone as my first act as Alpha of Crest Moon.” Then he turned and stomped away.

I sat there on the ground crying. I was already planning to leave but this was too much. What did I do to him? What did I do to deserve such treatment?? I tried avoiding him the best I could, I never went looking for him, I never told anyone about him rejecting me as my mate.

I picked myself up off the ground, dusted what I could off and slowly walked back home. My brother and Claire were going to come tomorrow to celebrate my 18th birthday but I would be long gone. I sat on my bedroom floor and looked around.

I was a human, more human than wolf that is. I didn’t have much money and I didn’t know how to hunt properly. I sighed and sat down to write my brother a note.


By the time you read this I am already gone. Don’t be too upset though, it is probably best this way. Treat Claire right and take good care of my best friend. I am nothing but a mere human. No one knows this but for whatever reason our wonderful Moon Goddess mated me with Ryder a year ago. He rejected me and told everyone that Jamie was his mate. It has been hll seeing them together and I can not take it anymore.. He said the pack would be better without me, I would be better off dead and well to be honest I believe him.

Remember I love you.

Take care,


I left my bags behind and I set off to take my walk. It was almost midnight, my 18th birthday. I reached the cliff where the moon was high above me. The Moons reflection was beautiful against the water. I laid back and gazed up at the stars. I would at least make it to 18. I closed my eyes and silent tears streamed down my face.

After a few moments went by I stood up and walked to the river to my right. The water rushing over the end and into the pool below. I sighed and looked up at the Moon above and smiled “Thank you for my wonderful life. Please bless my brother and Claire.”

With that I jumped into the water and began to wade to the middle of the river, the current wasn’t too strong. I reached a boulder and stood on it. I looked below as I stood at the waterfalls edge, my was racing. My alarm went off, it was finally my birthday. I was finally 18, I could finally be done with this. I shut my eyes and I took a deep breath. “Forgive me.” I spoke out loud and to no one in particular.

“Forgive you for what?” A deep voice sounded from behind me. That’s when I smelled the most wonderful smell in all of my life. Even better than Ryders. It was the scent of vanilla and cedarwood. I turned around and looked in the direction of the voice. There he stood the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes upon. How did I not hear him come up behind me?

Unknown POV

I stood at the bottom of the bottom of the waterfall after a long night’s run. I dove into the pool of water and it felt so refreshing. The Moon was out in full force and showing out how beautiful she really was.

I got out, put my clothes back on, and laid back on the shore line. I had arrived early to the pack I was supposed to be attending the Alpha Ceremony for this week. The pack Crest Moon, was a pretty large pack but the new young Alpha I hadn’t met yet. I heard he was a strong, vicious warrior and a stronger leader. It’ll be good for the pack this large to have someone like that. Being a large pack you don’t really want someone soft, it’ll make you an easy target.

It was to be rainy all week back home and I needed a good run with a full moon. A good run without getting nasty and mud plastered and caked against my skin. Thankfully here, the skies were supposed to be clear all week long. My wolf was very happy for that and so was I because I hated the rain.

I wouldn’t of come to this Alphas ceremony but this was one of, if not the largest pack in my father’s territory. Since it was the largest someone from my family had to show up for support and give approval. Since my father was busy with meetings, I was sent in his absence. I had to make sure a young Alpha was ready to take over and ready to take on such responsibilities. If they weren’t ready and I approved them it could leave a weak spot in my father’s territory.

I laid on the soft grass and considered camping out tonight. If I got cold I could always just shift into my beast. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind and would definetly love it. I laid there thinking about my future when the smell hit me. It hit me like a brick wall and completely engulfed me like a thick blanket. The scent was nearly paralyzing and I wanted it all to myself.

I decided to follow the scent trail and see where it led. I climbed up the rocky path to the top of the waterfall with ease. When I crept low into the bush I could see a small figure of a female laying on the cliff. She was crying and I suddenly felt like ripping apart whoever made her this way into a million pieces and ripping their head off. I watched her from a far, I didn’t want to startle her. She was mumbling low to herself and I couldn’t quite make out what she was saying, even with my excellent hearing.

She stood and I got a good look at her then. She was beautiful, curves in all the right places and I felt my mouth water. Inwanted to meet her. A soft breeze pushed her scent to me and I swear my eyes rolled back into my head. She smelled of honeysuckle and it was wonderful.

I l1cked my mouth as I watched her curiously as she got into the water. What was she doing? She swam to the boulder in the middle of the river and climbed up on it. I watched as she looked over the edge and my heart started pounding. What is she doing?!

I stood up from where I was and I could she the tears streaming down her face then.

“Oh God that’s mate she’s in trouble! Get mate safe now!” My beast screamed at me inside and I knew I needed to act fast.

I was already in the water, swimming to her when she tilted her head back to the sky and apologized.

“Forgive me.” She pleaded.

It was now or never “Forgive you for what?”

She turned arpund slowly and looked at me. When her eyes met mine I knew I would never let anything or anyone hurt her ever again. “Mate.” my beast and I called out to her. She stood there and and had a confused look on her face.

Avalynn POV

I was looking at the most beautiful man I have ever laid my eyes upon. He made the other guys in my pack look so very ordinary. When our eyes met my wolf howled happily “Mate!” Wait? I have a wolf? Where in the hll has she been?

“Mate.” I called back to him, even though I was confused. Ryder was my mate and he rejected me. He stood in the water and I stood still on the boulder just looking at one another.

My wolf was prancing around in my head happily “How is he our mate? We already had one and he rejected us, remember? We don’t get two mates.”

My wolf was annoyed now. “Girl! He IS our mate. We are getting a second chance! Be thankful!”

“Well okay then.. I guess I trust you.”

“Good, now get off this stubid boulder before you kill us please!”

I noticed he had moved up to me as I now stood over him. His hand slowly outstretched towards me and I frowned, slightly hesitant, before taking it. When my hand slipped into his, electric sparks shot between us. I knew then my wolf was right, but how is this possible?

He pulled me into him then and crashed mouth into mine. My body melted into him as my mouth worked against his own. My hands went around him as he lifted me up, wrapping around him. He carried us to the bank at the waters edge, back safely to shore. He sat me down and looked at me. We were both panting from the heat.

We stood there not saying anything to one another for a long while. I used this time to study his features.

He was really tall maybe 6’5, muscular, strong looking build, I could tell through his now wet t-shirt. He had broad shoulders with dark disheveled wavy hair that was medium length and hit right below his ears, and the most beautiful honey brown eyes I have ever saw! I took another deep breath and he smelled like cedarwood and vanilla. His voice was deep and smooth sounding. He sounded and looked like my own slice of heaven.

“What is your name?” He asked me softly.

Goddess what is my name?! I have forgotten my own freaking name! “Uhm. Uh. It’s-” Is all I can manage and he chuckles at me. “Avalynn!” I shouted. I felt my wolf roll her eyes at me. I am ruining this, I know.

“Look at those muscles through that wet shirt. What I wouldn’t give to l1ck every single bit of him.” My wolf was ready to attack him and take what’s hers.

His eyes went wide when I shouted my name at him and he laughed, pulling me to him. “I am Everest, it is nice to finally meet you, my beautiful mate.” He kisses me again, soft but quick.

I return the move and smile against his mouth. “Mm you smell wonderful.” I nearly lost.

“So do you. Your scent is nearly intoxicating.” He purred into my ear as he moved around me and I shivered in response. Goosebumps traveled all across my body.

I pulled away from him suddenly, not only catching him off guard but myself too. I don’t know this Everst guy. Sure he’s absolutely dreamy but he could be crazy. Oh and he is NOT apart of our pack! Oh my, did I mate to a Rouge!?

As if he could sense my inner turmoil he took a step closer to me. I held my hands up defensively and he stopped moving. I took a few steps away from him. I felt my heart beat slamming in my chest as I looked at him.

My inner wolf had some explaining to do. How come I couldn’t hear her these last few years like everyone else? I frowned at myself. What is wrong with me? Why am I mated to a Rouge. Wait! He’s on our land, I am sure to be thrown in the cells as an accomplice! I took off running in a sprint in the Forrest as fast as I could. I have to tell the Alpha!

“Calm down and stop. Look, I can explain everything to you. Firstly, my name is Charlotte. Can you please stop running!”

I stopped at the edge of the tree line and walked. There was just too much going on and I needed all of the answers! One thing at a time! I sighed and looked around where I was standing.

“Okay Charlotte where have you been? Why of all things did you show up today?”

“Because that’s what we do? And happy birthday! You should go back to our mate!”

I pushed her to the back of my mind and I sighed. He didn’t follow me, maybe he knows he will die if he comes into the town. Thank you Goddess, now I can breathe some. Now I need to go track down the Alpha, tell him a Rouge has crossed our pack territory. Oh, and Alpha fun fact this Rouge, who doesn’t look rouge, is also my mate. So, yeah there’s that.

I found myself pacing back and forth when Claire came up beside me. “Why are you wet and you seem a little bit stressed? And why do you-” She sniffed me. “smell like a Lycan?” Her brow was raised as she looked me up and down carefully her arms crossing across.

“Oh. My. Goddess!” I screamed, took her by the hand and dragged her to the house. I needed to talk to her without so many wolf hearing ears.

“The Rouge was a Lycan!” I yelled at her.

“A Rouge Lycan!? What? I am confused?” She frowned, looking halfway scared.

“My mate is a Rouge Lycan! Oh Goddess what am I going to do?!” I frowned at her.

We walked in the house and I walked over to where the note was for Josh and ripped it to shreds.

“How am I mated to a Lycan?” I turned and looked at Claire who has been unusually silent this whole time.

Everest POV

I sighed as I watched her leave in a hurry. Everything was telling me to follow her but I stood there. Something was going on inside of her and I could tell she was freaked out. She didn’t shift and run she just ran in her human form. My beast wanted me to follow her and I will but I also wanted to give her, her space. Once she fully accepts me as her mate and is not freaking out, I will follow her everywhere she goes. My lycan huffed, I knew this wouldn’t be the last of that conversation. I smiled thinking of her.

She was absolutely beautiful and I was so excited to know who she was. It was strange though, she was definitely not a wolf but I knew she was part of this Crest Moon Pack.

“How strange.” I said out loud to the forest.

I walked back to where my clothes were and changed. I picked up my cell phone and decided to call my people. I knew that I would need more people around as my Lycan beast had a weird feeling.

“Should have chased after mate!” He growled.

“You know I couldn’t, she knows we’re mates but there was something else going on inside her head, she was about to jump off the cliff.”

“That is why you should have chased her! Keep mate safe!”

“She will be safe. You felt her beast like I did. There is no way her beast will allow any harm to come to herself. You know her beast inside will take over control to keep herself safe.”

He just growled and I pushed him back.

I texted my driver to come meet me at the outter pack line.

“Hey Ted, can you meet me about three miles outside of Crest Moon Pack? Bring along Jameson too. It’s going to be a weird almost complicated visit. The only hotel is there, not great but it’s a meeting spot.”

“Sure thing, boss. Be there soon.”


I continued to pack up my things and made my way to the human hotel. It was a bit rundown but it will do for now. I

Just long enough to fill them in on my situation.

I walked into the lobby and made a reservation for this evening. The older man smiled and gave me a room key. I made my way to the room and waited sitting on the edge of the bed. After a few hours a knock sounded on the door.

I opened the door and let them in.

“What is going on?” Jameson asked.

“I found my mate but something was off.” I ran my hands through my hair. “She was in Crest Moon and when I found her she was about to jump off a cliff to kill herself.”

Their eyes widened at that and I continued.

“She recognized me as her mate and we kissed. But she ran away from me.” I frowned.

Jameson frowned. “Is she a wolf?”

I shook my head. “No, but she ran in her human form instead of shifting into her beast.

“She’s a Lycan?” Ted asked me.

I nodded my head “Yes I am about ninety-nine percent sure of it. So you know her jumping really wouldn’t kill her. It would of been painful but her beast would of healed her slowly though.”

“Well, where is she?” Jameson laid back on the other bed.

“Back at her pack I assume.” I shrugged.

“You didn’t follow her?” Ted asking this time.

“No I wanted to give her space. Something seems off and I didn’t want to go at this alone in case she’s the Alphas chosen mate that he chose for himself as the Luna, or she is his mate. Which you know what that means, I’ll fight him to the death for her.” It’ll be unfair for him because I am a Royal Lycan, one of the strongest of our kind.

“Well why would she be trying to kill herself?”

“I.. well, that’s a good question. I don’t know what’s going on. That’s why I need you guys. In case things get spicy back at Crest Moon.” I frowned.

“We are with you. Let’s go get her then. Let’s grab some food and coffee first since its now morning.” Jameson suggested.

“Okay. I could eat.” Said Jameson.

“Very well, I’ll buy then we can go into the pack and be announced properly.” I said and we left the room. I turned in the key at the desk and generously tipped the old man.

We ate and left for Crest Moon Pack. We were technically there now one day early. But it doesn’t matter. They were ready and awaiting outside the packhouse for us.

I shook the Alphas hand and nodded at the the Luna, who curtsied with her head bowed down then we walked inside the packhouse.

I inhaled deeply and I couldn’t smell her anywhere here. I frowned to myself as I was sure she was of importance. They showed all of us to our rooms. I needed to get the business part out of the way so I could walk around until I caught her scent.

I met with Alpha Michael in his office to go over Saturdays ceremony. A knock sounded on the door and in walked the future Alpha Ryder and, I was relieved to see, a female clinging to him that wasn’t my mate.

Jameson’s voice floated through our open link “Her?”

I shook my head “No, so he can live.”

I heard him laugh through the link but clear his throat in the room. I looked over them both, there was something about him my beast didn’t like. He seemed agitated with him before he even spoke.

Ryder bowed low to me and his mate curtsied. They both stood and I outstretched to him, giving it a shake.

“Welcome to Crest Moon Prince Everest. I hope you enjoy your time here and if you need anything please do not hesitate to ask anyone here. We would all be more than happy to help make your stay the most comfortable and most enjoyable.” Ryder let go of my hand.

“Thank you, young Alpha. I was hoping to take a stroll and check out your pack grounds with my men. Just to survey and see how things here are going here. My father was wanting some feedback on how one of his largest packs are doing.” I lied.

“Please feel free to do so.” He said.

I stood up and left the office with Jameson and Ted was already waiting at the door. We walked around the town aimlessly. I was about to give up when I caught a small bit of her scent. “Follow me.”

Avalynn POV

Claire ended up spending the night and instead of sleeping in bed with my brother she stayed with me. We didn’t tell him about my apparently Rouge Lycan mate. She woke me up in the morning and I yawned.

“Okay Claire, I am awake.” I moved my hands to my eyes.

“C’mon let’s go shopping for the Alpha ceremony! I need a new dress. You know they’re making Josh the beta! I have to sit up there with them.” She was begging me now.

“Okay. I’m up, I’m up. Let me get dressed.” I sighed. “What about…”

“Shhhhh.” She was whispering. “Josh is down stairs. Wait until we are out of ear shot, okay? We will figure this out.”

“Okay.” I sighed and got myself ready to go. I guess I can attend. Doesn’t matter to me, I still plan on leaving soon. So if doesn’t matter if he wants to banish me, I want to support my brother.

We went shopping and while she was trying on an expensive dress I sat in the chair scrolling social media and listening to my music. I kept both of my ear buds in while waiting for her and taking them out when she came out to show me the dresses. I looked up and smiled and took the earbuds out. “Girl! You look hot!”

“You think?” She was turning in the mirror. It was a black dress that hugged her tightly, the neckline had a diamond trim and it was floor length. She rocked it.

“Absolutely. Do you think Josh needs to come get his suit from here?” I asked her.

She nodded “We already got him one. It should be ready for pick up today.”

“Oh. Well then it’s settled.” I smiled.

Her eyes went wide suddenly. “Oh my Goddess it’s the Lycan Prince! Avalynn! He’s here! I wonder if he’s tracking the Rouge Lycan that’s your mate”

“Thats cool and probably. That’s my luck.” I rolled my eyes. I couldn’t care less, I wasn’t going to be a part of this world soon anyway.

“Avalynn..” She trailed off as the chime went off to the entrance and she bowed her head down out of respect.

I went to stand and his scent hit me and I turned around and our eyes met.

I swear the man cleared the entire room in just a few long strides. I stood frozen in my spot as I watched him.

Claire was whispering fearfully “Avalynn bow he’s coming over..” and she hushed as he stopped in front of me.

We stood there gazing at one another and my eyes drifted to the men behind him. So, my mate isn’t a Rouge Lycan?

“No, that’s what I was going to tell you before you shoved me away in your panic fit.” My whatever she is, not wolf, said to me.

“I found you.” He spoke softly with a smile upon his face.

“Yes, I guess you did. Sorry I don’t know what happened or what is happening. This is Claire, my best friend.” I said abruptly.

“Hello. You can relax.” He smiled at Claire and I watched her eyes dart between us two. “I am Prince Everest and this is Jameson and Ted my best friends. Also, Ted is a pretty good driver.” I saw Ted roll his eyes and I smiled.

He looked back to me “Jameson and Ted this is my mate, Avalynn.”

“Hello.” Claire and I said together.

“So, are you ladies buying your dresses for the ceremony?” Everest asked us.

“Claire is. I am not.” I looked around.

“Oh you already have yours?” His head tilted slightly and he smiled.

“Uhh, well not exactly. I was just going to find something.” I smiled back.

“Nonsense. We are getting you the perfect dress today. Excuse me, miss. Would you be a dear and start my mate a fitting room and bring her the most beautiful dresses that will be suitable for the ceremony. Oh and have one of your associates bring us some refreshments, please.” He smiled to her and she was off running quickly to do as he asked.

“You really don’t have to do that. I am sure I am not wanted to be at his ceremony anyway.” My eyes went wide and my hand went to my mouth.

I swear anger went quickly through my mated face. As fast as it arrived it was gone. “Nonsense, you’ll be sitting with me of course.” He pushed me gently to the fitting room to begin my hunt for a dress.

Claire walked back with me “What did you mean you wouldn’t be wanted there? What happened?”

I sighed “Its a very long story Claire and I don’t feel like telling it as much as I don’t feel like doing this dress thing. I am obviously being forced to do one right now. Can we save it?” I pleaded with her. I knew I would have to tell her before the night was through.

“Of course girl. Also a Lycan Prince is your mate!” She squealed out and hvgged me tightly.

I sighed and nodded I am sure he heard her freaking and my cheeks reddened. I am sure he will reject me too when he finds out how plain and ordinarily human I really was. Even if I can communicate to my inner self.

“Beast or Charlotte love.” She smiled.

I don’t even know what that means.

“You will with our mate, he will help you. Just talk to him and give him a chance. Everything will soon make sense.”

So cryptic Charlotte.

She laughed and retreated happily to the back of my mind. Happy that our mate has made his way to us and was happy to see us.

The associate knocked and had five dresses in her hand. “Oh boy, let’s get this over with then.”

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Mated To The Lycan King ( Free Read Online) - Dreame (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.