The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1919 BULK OF FORTUNE OF LEWIS N. GILBERT REMAINS IN TOWN WHERE IT WAS MADE Ware Hospital, to Which He Gave $700,000 to Be Renamed in Memory of Ilis Wife. CHANGED DRAFT OF WILL MANY TIMES Total Value of Estate Not Known, but Estimated at Considerable Above $1,000,000. 1 From the obscur.

country hospital, to the needs of 11.0 mi w'1. it situated arby towns, Ware emerged into one F' endowed instituPS in the 1e people of Wart ed with the hosit and nose who labored 1 Pares for and maintenan -af awakened to -sibilities which or institution. benefited. unity institution: 1 1 into: the realm of frAnt through proviof Lewis Newton Gil'ert of the George HI. 'he rt Company of A 1 1 will.

offered for probat. mpton. These inclu tl: an Congregational Church ville and the Gil- Association. Th. in financial assistance worth does not end with the church, for In add 1.

area 1: ft to thA Missionary Li ard of Commlypts Sivu re Missions, Congreen D.ilding Society. 7 and chust it serial Relief. t. an that fore, of 4 alr re withi- in wh 11 what Mr. 1 more, in 4-I surround.

1 it r. 1 and at 1.11 tude in it 4 Estate More Than While thE praisl, ceeded. TI. I- rE will. 41 ani pr De In .1 an Of ti: am un: 1 til 4.

Distri1 Nirs Ti A 11 ears 5 I 7 1 th A 111 11 1:0 was the 1. several ments of A Factor which bad been drawn vine periods watt. in mat 2. toors and waR dated Ang. 1 it had the ral times 11.

the RIftdiols and TIt. were embold in Ho final Ir: this as in many other things, Mr. Greeting Cards Those planning to send out Engraved personal Greeting Carda for the holidays will ho spared possible embarrassment later on by early. The cards 11 1101 bu delivered until wanted. Our assortment of cards Includes greetings possible occasion.

They Ar shown on the First Mezzanine Floor CHARLES HALLO THE HALL BVILDING A TREAT Beautiful Hair No Mere Gift -at ADV rate, no woman may hope keep her hair beautiful unless she takes proper care of it. This proper care requires that she uliat the all of A competent hair apecialiat. The Breek Method of scalp Treatment wilt keep your hair beautiful. if yOU endowed by Nature with attractive hair. And if Nature has not been An kind the Brook Method will 4.

what Nature hag to do. the Brith John Breck SCALP SPECIALIST -nite 315-513 Court 'guare Theater Bide. Spring fleld. Breck Operator In Principal Cities Home of Lewis N. Gilbert Left to Ware Hospital ri r'80 ted A pioneer.

1 7 are will 1 1 faithful DIE bal employes. and 10:, tier tend ins and 4 9, in li: drily r1 tine 114 hr 14 1: 4 00 491 r. hi: prop. r- 4 Mate come Into popular 13 101 thin 11 A a tel ver this 111 net 8 I mil the 1'. time to time.

ho Don or sinal pro. 6 the who it n1 it 4 Mo T. 1 i Mans in LIte. 1 ri 1113 41 V. Mr.

1. i. full 1.3 t1 to a i. 1t tr li to faur 11p hut arran 1 G. LAter, 3 1.

I 11 44 built. 11: not 1 10 ita and 1 11. to 1:4 44 the d. v. top it aided to change his I go1.

'H adier to the from Limo 10 tiro until tire hospital at the Visiting Nurse initi a. became the chief jag in Many A A 4 the conditions wurto ft: ho the previ-sons His by making tire gifts 1, fo. This way trite in particular 111 the case of co.ridge S. Dunbar, elri at his estate and in his cmploy for 40 years. Mr.

Dunbar was stricken with a serious illness. Wishing to show Mr. Dunbar some forn: 6t his approciation while he was alive. 3tr. Gilbert KAVA him the $500 named! in his will outright, and a short time Inter deeded to him the house and land which he occupied.

Both of these gifts were provided for in the disposal of his estate and this the pro provisions provided were for Mr. invalidated. Dunbar's wife Further, in tier lifetime by an annuity. 11 is said in Ware where people I. new him host that Mr.

Gilbert wan inherently modest. He did not live on lavish scale, but took great pride in his added land to his original holdings from tine to time, enin farming on 4 somewhat extonsive xenle. maintained an elaborate stable and while holding a position as one of the leaders and most substantinl nit of the community never' inade made use of this eminence for personal advertisem*nt or show. Furthermore, die wax always doing something for somebody, and not only hid his bone factions but mention of them those whom he aided. Ware folks a May that what hie ha.

done will never be known. except his gifts come to light through peranecdote or reminiscone. by the who received his bounty. Had Strong Religious Interest. Perhaps the spirit and tol rance of Mr.

Gilbert is best illustrated by story which is told of his gift to cho Congr gut: m. t'hurch of Gilbertville of which he WAR AR attendant. In one of his earlier wills he left a fund to the: its A coptance And u. bring contingent upon the rote: of certain 1103 of worship and the preaching at tain 1 and erreds then 0. D1 among CoP istg in tor A 4 he the world change.

1011 I tho diffurance in religions And touchings, ed tho in trial unrest and 111070 in his advancing roars. ho P': MOVed this condition entirely. and in removing conditions increased the fund available for church work. His interest in religious work was not allowed to lapse with the sion of practically his entire fortune between lirious institutions and Ware Hospital. To Nov.

Bruce W'. Brotheraton, pastor of Trinitarian addition, there is the real estate which he owned in Ware, several thousand dollars in cash and valuable seIlla gifts outright are limited to curities. 8 few of his closer pereonal friends, neighbors, employes and relatives. These are small since the majority of his relatives are cousins and have proportionate of the wealth of the Gilbert family, They were designed solely 89 a remerntotaled about $20,000. Prance, persons named failed to survive TWO receive their bequest.

They were Illen T. Gould and Emma L. Gould. neighbors and frienda, of whom died recently. "'To Alfred Launier, caretaker of his estate, he leaves $1500, and varying amounts from $500 to $1500 are given to personal employes.

Annuity, provisions provide for payments $8300 annually. Annunities are to be paid quarterly. Those to Ellen M. Derry, Mary T. Callahan and SIrs.

Esther Dunbar take effect three months after probate of will. All others are deferred for one year, Arst payments to be made 15 months after the will is probated. Confidence in his executors was expressed by Mr. (illbert. Ile absolves them up to in which to them from furnishinars bond; gives liquidate his estate, provides that they shall not be held responsible for errors of Judgment In investment of funds or sale of securities and counsola them to make such Investments conservatively and cautiously, Trust Funds Created.

Three trust funds are created, the largest of which 14 for the Ware Hospital and District Nurse Association. This, originally set at $400,000, was increased to $150,000 in September of this year, it being the last codicil to be added to the will. This 1s to bo giren Into the kooping of the New England Trust Company 88 trustee, seven years being the time limit given to his executors. It 1s to be known as I N. Gilbert and Mary Lane Gilbert Trust Fund.

From Income of this fund, the annunitics are to he paid, tho remainder going to the hospital. the ana nultants die, their payments revert to the hospital, the entire Income thus becoming available eventually. Al trust funds are created absolute are tax free, all inheritance taxes and other charges to be paid from the estate. In addition. the hospital association gets the magnificent Gilbert homestead and all the real estate ourrounding it.

The homestead is to be used 83 part of the hospital, and if the association accepts the gift within two years, $50,000 is given to remodel it for hospital purposes. Permission is also given to dispose of all land connected with the estate except fronting on South Street and extending back to the rear of the honestead stables, The entire property is valued at about $100,000. The sole condition attached to thie gift is the change in its name. The Gilbert home is about 100 yards distant from the present hospital. A trust fund of $50,000 Is created for Trinitarian Congregational Church Society, the Income to be used for maintaining the buildings, relief of the poor and needy, and Sunday school and church work.

This will become available in two years, and until that time the executors or trustees are directed to pay $800 in equal quarterly instalments of $100. Similar provision 19 made for the Ware Ilospital, and Mr. Gilbert set aside $8000 for its usus to be paid in quarterly instalments of $1000 each He safeguarded litigation on all paymenta, directing that they are not to be attached, borrowed against in anticipation of payment, etc, and if this take 13 done, administration directs of the the trusteento out of the hands of those to whom it is directed and pay direct, according to the best judgment on the needs of the varlous institutions or Individuals. If the income for the hospital is leas than $4000 annually, Mr. Gilbert has directed the balance he takeu from the principal of the trust fund.

The third trust fund 19 created for the Gilbertville Library Association and 19 for $15,000, the income to be used in maintaining the library. Additonal Bequests. Trust funds, Immediate bequests. value of personal property and money for remodelling homestend for hospital call for retting Aside approximately $700.000 of the Gilbert estate. The remainder 1: divided into fortieths and of residuary estate the Ware pital and Visiting Nurse Association again, recelving from this source I five-fortieths.

Bequests under the residuary section are to he paid within seven years, and that. portion which the hnspital will receive 1s to be placed in trust. The total value of other bequests to the hospital are about $008.000 and an estimate of the realduary estate will bring the total fund left for hospital purposes to nearly $700,000, Nine fortieths goes to the Massachusetta Home Missionary Society, ton fortieths to the American Board of Missions, three fortieths to the Congregational Church Lullding Society, two fortieths to the Congregational Society and one fortieth to the Painful Piles Kindly send me A Free sample of Pyramid Pile Treatment, 1p plain wrapper. 1 Name 1 Street Free Trial of Pyramid Pile ment Is One of the Grandest Events You Ever Experienced. You are suffering dreadfully with itching, bleeding, protruding piles or hemorrhoids.

Now. go over You Positively Cannot Afford. to Iguoro These Remarkable Pyramids. to any drug store and get B. 60-cent box of Pvramid l'ile Treatment.

Re. liet should come so quickly you will jump for for a joy. free If you trini are package in doubt, mail. You will then Don't delay. Taks no Eubstitute, FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY.

676 Pyramid Marshall, Mich, Massachusetts Board of Mireisterial Relief. There 18 one other public bequest, and this is $5000 to the Social Science Club of Ware, income to be used to maintaining the building and work of the organization. This has not been safeguarded trust fund since its nature precludod such disposition, but in his will Mr. Gilbert indicates the manner in which he desires to have it expended. this heing couched in the form of A request.

Ills personal belongings, paintings, household furniture. left to J. H. Grenville Gilbert. In disposing of these In this manner, Mr.

Gilbert wished to remove possibility of public sale and the chance of. his posseasions falling into careless hande. Ware people unite in saying that the death of Mr. Gilbert and the removal of his unassuming personality and high citizenship' was a distinct loss to the community to which he gave so liberally, 532 Cases of Whisky Stolen in Detroit DETROIT, Oct. 25-Theft of about $50,000 worth 'of whisky, 632 of shipment of 2000 cases, is being investigated here by Federal and authorities, it was learned today.

AUTOISTS HERE LOSE LICENSES to BOSTON, Oct. 25-The Massachu-1 setts Highway Commission has re-! voled the license under which John F. Knapton of Springfleld has been permitted to operate motor vehicles in this State, the action of the commission having been taken because of the accident in which he was involved Aug. S0, and which resulted death of Annie O'Brien of Springfield. After EL thorough investigation of the accident, the Commission announces that it' is unable And that it happened without serious tis fault on the part of Knapton.

Other Springfield motorists whose licenses have been revoked recently are S. Converse, who was convicted the Springfeld court Sept. 15 on a charge of operating an automobile recklessly and 50 as to endanger the lives and safety of tue public: and Van A. Reynolds, who WAS convicted in the Holyoke court Oct. 10 on a charge of operating an automobile while under the influence of intoxicating liquor.

The Commission hag also taken In respect to these Western Massachusetts motorists: Alphonse Lienvenue, Springfeld, unlicensed, forbidden operate in convicted in Springfield churge of operating an automobile recklessly. Morin, Chicopee, chauffeur's license suspended: Commission believes he Is not a proper 10 operate automobiles. John J. Wrigley, tolyoke, operator's licenso revoked: convicted Ir. Holyoke court Oct.

10 on chargc operating an automobile while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. John P. Alnizi, Amherst. operator; license revoked: convicted in Spring field court Sept. 26 on A charge using An automobile without author.

ity. Albert Hove, Athol, chauffeur's 11. cense suspended for two montir Commission Ands that Accident it which he WAS involved in Ervin. Auy. 10, happened be to use Gue care in the rAtion the automobile which ho was Prank Slanda, ladley, ri license suspended; Commis.

reason to belleve that he 1:3 't proper person to operate automol Joseph Bindin, Hadley, operator license suspended for similar reason. Henry C. Reaumier, Montague, operator's license suspended, pending invostigation of the accident in which he WAR involved Oct. 8, and which rulted in the death of Thru Groran of Montague. tl 11t 1 4 Iri Present Buildings of Ware Hospital.

Trinitarian Congregational Church in Gilbertrille, to which $50,000 was left in trust by Lewis N. Gilbert. Church, ho bequeathed $1500 providline Mr. Brotherston was pastor of the church at the time of his death. 'Chis not new, AS Mr.

Gilbert mo 'e the same provision for Mr. Broti raton's br decessor in the Gil1 pulpit. The entire life of Mr. Gilbert was! linked closely with the growth and prosperity of the communities in which he lived. Jo came to Ware when a bor af 13 and entered the employ of his uncle, George H.

Giltort, of the Gilbert Manulacturine Company. During the Civil var the concern made goods for the Government and at its close had exuntil it employed 600 hands. It had 100 employes in 1801. Now thro Gilbert Company has more than 1:00 mol res. In 18G7 Quorge 11.

Gilbert died. and N. Gill rt took his place 89 tho organization. The H. 4 11.

rt fortune the largest left in the time of 040 OF 1,4 Gall art, and war d. 11: rut it ty by privat. ives. Prominent in l'inance. Alt 1.

inpub. 41 J'1. Gib: polit. pi 1. F.

1.1 H. 1:1 capaci1.03 ur: nis townsmen 11: d. L. M. 1 1.11 Th 11, rs, 1.

TE 1 The D- 11 to 1:: 3 iN 114 tu Stat S. an 1 the followAT 1. bi. am. It IT that 1: was 1 WALK elected 11 4 Bank: and n.

in SUN. In 13 87 lir the board of of M. Bank and later WAS Ware Trust Compary. I 1s 1954 he was made director of Wore. Mutual Fire Insurance c'ompans and in 1891 was chosen president.

wag A mber in 1876 of the board for lasso at Philadelphia Centennial Exposi Be Sure You Get An "American Beauty" You can afford to pay a little more They chose it, as a skilled workfor its years of unfailing service. man buys a fine tool -not because Remember, when you buy an in- it its cost less, dependability. but upon knowledge of ferior iron, you must contend with Its faults and flaws, time after time. Its scientific balance and specially Repair bills, replacement of coils, shaped nose make the work easier. ironings interrupted by break down, The flexible cord is protected for are a few of the worrics that hard service.

recur constantly. Can the little you save on the cost Don't hesitate to let the laundress of an ordinary iron pay for such use your American Beauty. She vexations? won't damage it. And she will do repeated your work better. With the American Beauty you are positively free of these annoy- Get an American Beauty today.

ances. Just hear how owners praise You will find a new pleasure and ft. Ask any of the 2,000,000 users satisfaction in ironing, that more what they think of their American than repays its slightly higher Beauty irons. first price. "American Beauty" ELECTRIC IRON Sold by Electrical, Hardware, and Department Stores, and Electrical Companies Manufactured by American Electrical Heating Company, Detroit Makers of Complete Line of Electrical Heating Devices THE'BEST IRON, MADE.

CHARGE Amazing Values In Seasonable Apparel LADIES' SUITS Fashionable Fall and Winter suits in every style and color of the mode. Quality and workmanship perfect. Every one of them a remarkable value. Come in and see them without fail. And terms remember that you can purchase them on convenient $27.50 up Stylish New Dresses Luxurious, Warm Coats The long, slender silhouette, the se- Great big warm top-coats that defy verely tailored business dress--every weather.

Stylish too, with enormous style interpretation in every material. fur collars. See them. See the quality They will delight you. And they are and the unusual values that these so too reasonable, $25.00 up coats represent, to $75.00 Men's Suits Overcoats BOYS' SUITS Stylish suits for boys, With a Dash of October Color in Them that same are care as made the with suits the for The season's favored color -is here in the grown-ups.

They defy a variety of weaves and patterns. Conservative wear and combine neatness suits, or swagger, ultra-stylish models, all of them of appearance with pracare the best in quality and workmanship. Our credit tical sturdiness of texture, plan start is an open account. to you. Come in and $35.00 $13.50 GATELY BRENNAN 68 Worthington -Around the Corner from the Postoffice at which the Gilbert Company WAS one of the largest exhibitors.

History and prosperity of Gilbertville is almost identical with that of the Gilbert family. When the Gilbert Company expanded and erected anilla in Gilbertville, which is a part of the town of Hardwick In Worcester county. the territory was sparsely settled. Now it houses a community of more than 2600 people. Trinitarian Congregational Church, which is a beneficiary under him will, was erected by the Gilbert family, its chief sponger bring George H.

Gilbert. Built of stone, it is a model country church, and today is one of the finest types of architecture of its kind in Now England. The Gilbertville Library is another institution made possible largely through the Gilbert family, and the Gilbortsille High School also I a Its 1 largely to the Gilberts. The town wAter system. Its walls and practically every Improvement whi tia wn' offers las Indir utly through the corporation.

Of the entire family. Lewis Gilbert 14 U11 110 in thr. Gill rts ille church. De 4 nith, which ficir nt :1 provide innumerable auto3. Mr.

rather scorned 1 COt les, ad, 10 the horse, ver nil: :.1. var. Ev: ry Sunday it his to drive to Gilberth in the af. and ho I an inter st fairs of the parr h. Durned Quarter of Company.

While 1119 will did not Indicate his vart wealth, the suin ill be more than was anticipated. The principal if. 171 of his estate is one fourth interest in the Gilbert. Manufacturing No diverts that this br appraised at fair value and offered ruta to the three other principal 01 WICKS. If they do net care to buy, ho directa this be disposed of by the trustees 11 8 they 860 fit.

This Interest alone, it is said, will approximate about $1,000,000 on the basis of the present valuation of the plant. In Open Saturday Evenings Open Saturday Evenings.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.